Sarpy County Chamber of Commerce Presentation
Transforming Personal Services:
- Personal Branding and Makeovers (one-on-one)
- Business and Social Communications and Etiquette Coaching
- Personal Wardrobe Coordination and Shopping for Women, Men or Teens
- Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Coaching (virtual or in-person)
- Enhanced Communications (verbal and non-verbal & image coaching)
Inspiring Keynote Messages for Conferences and Retreats
Creating Your Own Destiny: Power Steps for Mind-Body Renewal! Your go-to one-stop source with steps to create a new life (or specific part of your life) from the inside out. Here are the keys to uncover your inner architect to rise above all obstacles, increase your skilols in perception, power and professionalism and create a confident persona. Workbook available. You can literally watch your life change. Soar!!
Hope at the End of Your Rope: Steps to Rebuild Your Life! Based on the book and filled with real-life examples, methods and resources for rebuilding your life!
Guide to Marketing Yourself for Success! Thought-provoking and instructional program on building self-confidence, communication skills that bring greater success, career development, branding, networking and a whole lot more!
Get Your Combat Boots On Ladies, and Don’t Forget Your Mascara! Transitions in life can be tough, disappointing and confusing. They can also open the door to so many new and wonderful possibilities. This inspiring message brings hope, direction and thought-provoking inspiration to enable you to walk (or even run) down a new and fulfilling path, no matter what stage of life you are in!

Omaha Business Women’s Network Presentation
Sink, Swim or Float: Rising To An Ocean of Opportunity! A powerful, life-transforming message.
More Than Conquerors! A very positive and uplifting session on overcoming depression, anger, rejection, guilt and poor self-esteem. Life starts right now!!!
The Whole Enchilada – Creating New Recipes For Your Life! It’s never too late for a fresh start! Practical ways to handle stress, build your self-esteem and redirect your life! Get motivated, get excited and get going! Plug into your life source and recharge your batteries!
Kicking Your Way Out of the Box! How to beautifully kick some booty spiritually, physically and emotionally. Dust off your dreams–this is your time! Special program for ages 40-100!